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10 Success Mantras to Achieve Your Greatest Goals

illustration of a female buddha in a lotus flower

What do you tell yourself when you are feeling down and discouraged about your goals, dreams, and success?

We all have moments where it feels like everything falls apart. Nothing is working, and there’s no way forward, no matter what direction you turn.

In those moments, giving up feels like the only logical decision to make. However, those moments are the ones that will shape your success because what you tell yourself to get through those roadblocks will either make or break you.

That little phrase or quote you recite to yourself during those times are called mantras, and mantras have the power to help shift your mindset, motivate you, and give you a boost in confidence.

Let’s go over 10 success mantras that can be useful in any area of your life!

What Is a Mantra?

peaceful symbols on a buddhist instument

A mantra is a phrase repeated over and over and over again.

It is used to change your mindset into believing that the words you’re repeating are true.

It can be used as a form of motivation to encourage you to keep going, especially when your life starts to feel overwhelming.

Mantras can be used for anything, such as working out, staying on track with your diet, achieving your life and business goals, and even success in your relationships.

Understanding the concept that anything is possible is the core lesson that mantras instill in us without force. Mantras have the power to show you that anything is possible if you believe it is, and that’s important in a world where most things seem impossible.

Mantras are powerful and can be used as a tool when you need an extra boost to push through tough times in your life.

Simply telling yourself, “I am enough, and I’m worth it” or “I can do this” is powerful enough to change your perspective and attitude in an instant.

A mantra is like an affirmation, and affirmations work best when we phrase it as a question.

When you put the two belief concepts together and start answering those affirmation questions with a solid mantra phrase, your mind will find it very hard to think negatively.

What you tell yourself during the challenging moments makes or breaks you, so be kind and encouraging when asking yourself an affirmation question and giving a mantra phrase as the answer. It’s meant to help shift your mindset and give you hope that things will get better.

What Is a Success Mantra?

A success mantra is basically an extra motivation for your career and an extra boost to achieve your goals. A success mantra helps us to stay motivated, dedicated, and focused on positivity and success.

When you focus your energy on achieving all your future goals, no matter the challenges you may face, success will come much faster and in a different form than you anticipated.

So, why are success mantras so important to success?

Success is about taking small steps and not giving up on your goals and dreams when the going gets tough, staying positive, and believing in yourself when other people may not.

Success looks different to everyone because we all have different paths to take in this life.

A success mantra provides the motivational push we need to free our minds from negative thoughts and limitations in order to take our success into our own hands and keep creating our own path.

It’s all a personal endeavor. You’re using words as a motivation to help keep you inspired and on the right track to success.

How Will Using Success Mantras Help Me Succeed?

buddha head

When self-doubt rears its ugly head, having a mantra to guide your thoughts will get you moving faster than wishing tomorrow would come to change your mood and stop your mind in its tracks.

Mantras provide the motivation you need to get up and out of your comfort zone, take the risks that success requires, and have a new perspective on what success means.

Mantras will also help you stay focused despite dealing with obstacles because they provide an alternative to negative thoughts when things don’t go as planned.

As with anything in life, your dedication matters.

A success mantra is a reminder to stay disciplined and persistent on your journey to success. It will inspire you on days when life gets too hard, give you hope that things will get better, and help push through the challenges in order to grow from them later.

The possibilities of what you can achieve are endless when you believe in yourself, learn from your failures, and accept that to fail is to learn.

Some key benefits to using mantras as motivation are finding your inner happiness, self-confidence, and making peace with who you truly are deep within. When we find these things in ourselves, it gives us purpose to live authentically and fulfill our destiny. You will also feel that you have more control over life’s circumstances versus feeling like a victim in your own life.

10 Powerful Success Mantras to Use in Your Life

  1. I have the power to change my life.
  2. Every day is a new opportunity to get closer to where I want to be.
  3. I can do anything I put my mind to.
  4. The only person who can stop me from achieving my goals is me. 
  5. My thoughts create my reality.
  6. Everything happens for a reason.
  7. If I want to achieve a goal, stop talking, make a plan, and just do it.
  8. Everything will be okay; it always works out for the best.
  9. I will not compare myself and my life with anyone else’s.
  10. I will not allow what I cannot do to interfere with what I can do.

Preparation + Opportunity = Success

aerial view of a peace circle

What does luck have to do with achieving success?

I consider myself the luckiest person in the world. It’s not because great things seem to happen to me, but because I get to decide who I want to be, and I choose to chase my dreams and make them my reality.

My favorite affirmation question is, “Why am I so lucky?” and my mantra in response is, “Because I’m worth it! Everything I say I will do, I’ve done it, I’m doing it, and I will do it.”

Luck really has nothing to do with your success. It’s actually your dedication and hard work that speaks for itself.

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” — Thomas Jefferson

What you think is what you manifest.

Failure is only a lesson hidden in the trials of life. To be successful, you must lose to gain. Sometimes you have to lose something physically in order to gain what is needed. However, most of the time, that loss will be your concept of what you believe is the norm.

From your health to your livelihood, learning to let go is the most important lesson.

We were all taught in school that failing is detrimental to our success, so it’s hard to allow ourselves to fail and experience that humiliation. However, failure is a necessary part of being successful in any aspect of life.

Failures are opportunities to learn and grow. They’re the bumps in the road that show your weaknesses, so you can address them, fix them, and come back stronger than before.

That’s the preparation stage in any journey to success. You must go through trials, failures, loss of motivation, self-doubt, and much more to prepare for the opportunities that will lead you to success.

The more you go through, the stronger, wiser, and better equipped you will be when an opportunity arises.

We often feel that without success or achievement, it’s not worth going through life, but this is where a mantra comes into play.

We have and use mantras because they motivate us during those difficult times.

A simple but powerful mantra like, “This too shall pass” can provide you with the strength you need when everything seems to be against you.

The universe is testing your ability and worthiness to achieve what you wish for. All your brilliant ideas for life begin with you taking a small step, whatever that step may be to make your dreams a reality.

You Didn’t Come This Far to Give up Now

Success is a mindset.

It’s not about luck, what life cards you were dealt, where you’re from, or any other external factors.

It’s about you, your mindset, the way you think, act and talk to yourself, the mantras you use, and what you believe is possible for your life.

Before you go another day without achieving a goal because of self-doubt or fear, remember this powerful truth: You can do anything you set your mind to. Using a mantra or different mantras when you hit a brick wall will help you to climb over it and keep going.

Even when times seem difficult or hopeless, know that you have what it takes inside yourself to stay strong and motivated until those tough times pass.

Now, which of these success mantras resonate with you the most?

Please share the mantra or mantras you use to keep your energy up and your motivation on point in the comment section below.


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Jody is an artist and storyteller dedicated to helping you slow down, embrace rest, and live life intentionally. Through her art, travels, and lifestyle explorations, she inspires others to discover the beauty of slowing down and reconnecting with themselves. Whether she’s documenting hidden gems, sharing creative outlets, or exploring the art of rest, Jody’s content serves as a guide to finding balance in a fast-paced world.

3 thoughts on “10 Success Mantras to Achieve Your Greatest Goals”

  1. This is a great list! I love how many of them give you the power to change your life or meet your goals rather than just sitting back and waiting for them to happen! Definitely will be adding these to my affirmation time daily!

    1. Jody

      Thank you so much for your kind words about this list of mantras, Katie. I’m glad you found them helpful!

  2. Julie Russell

    Another amazing post! I love these mantras and will have to use them as a way to boost myself when I don’t feel confident in business decisions. I look forward to reading more articles!

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