Dreams of living a better life are normally dancing around in most people’s heads, but doing something to make those dreams a reality is a whole different story.
It’s sad to say but the reality is, a lot of people are unhappy with their lives.
It may not matter what they’ve accomplished or how much money or material possessions they have, they just feel like something is missing.
If this sounds like you, don’t worry, you’re not alone, and to be brutally honest, I’m also guilty of feeling this way sometimes.
The plus side to feeling like this means that you have a drive within you to keep pushing and striving for more.
However, the issue with feeling this way is that a lot of people get stuck at this stage because they don’t know how to take the next steps to change their lives.
Remember this question from when you were a kid running around with no care in the world?
It was a question that I dreaded being asked.
While all the other kids used to list what they wanted to be in a heartbeat, I’d always delay with my answer.
Here’s the thing, I was told by my teachers to do what I love but I became embarrassed to say it out loud because my answer would always seem to upset the adult who had asked.
For the longest time, I wanted to be a netball player because I absolutely loved it. I played it every day and I was great at it.
But wanting to be an athlete at that time was a big taboo in a Jamaican’s eyes, where doctors and lawyers were the only acceptable professions.
Even though that dream eventually changed as I got older, the lesson to do what I loved never changed.
I learned the hard way that my life was not going to be fulfilling if I did not love what I was doing.
And this goes for you too, you need to do what you love.
Find that thing that you love doing, learn your reasons why you love doing it, and use that as your motivation to change your life.
So you’re probably thinking, how do I find what I love doing and how do I use that to change my life?
The solution is simpler than you may think and it starts with taking a step back and analyzing yourself.
Ask yourself this question: What is the one thing that never bores me and I seem to lose track of time while doing it?
Your answer will be your passion.
Once you’ve identified that, write down why you love doing it and be specific.
For example, if you’re passionate about baking, is it because you love the creativity and precision that goes into it? or is it because you love how happy it makes people when they eat your food?
Whichever the reason is, use that as your driving force, your moral compass, and your main source of motivation because you’re going to need it on days when you’re feeling lost and want to give up.
Step 2: Turn Your Dreams Into Goals
The most valuable lesson I’ve learned in life is to dream big, but I’ve also learned that dreaming isn’t enough.
You can dream all you want but if you never take action on your dreams you’ll never get anywhere.
You need to take action and do whatever it takes to make your dreams a reality.
The sky should be the limit and if it’s not, then you need to change your mindset because anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
One of the best ways to achieve your dreams is to add a date to that dream. This automatically transforms it into a goal and goals are achievable.
With your goal set, the clock starts ticking and that puts your brain into go-mode.
Here’s a fact, your brain is literally the most advanced piece of technology on earth.
Yes, you heard that right, the most advanced piece of technology on this planet is not your phone or your computer, it’s the living organ that lives inside your skull.
It is the best at problem-solving.
When you give your brain a new task, questions about how to achieve that task start to present themselves to you, and before you know it, you have a path laid out in front of you.
It’s really that simple, give it a test, ask yourself this question, “How do I make new friends?” listen for the responses your brain is about to give you, I’ll wait…
Share your answers in the comments below, I’m curious to hear your thoughts.
Did your brain start asking itself questions? Or did it come up with solutions?
Whichever path your brain decided to take doesn’t matter, what matters is that those questions or suggestions that you’ve just received are your starting point.
Step 3: Change Your Mindset
Your Mindset Plays A Big Part!
On your journey to dream fulfillment, your most valuable tool is your mindset.
Judging by the little brain test we just did, you should have a good idea of the types of thoughts your brain produces on a regular.
If you have a positive way of thinking then your brain will more than likely try to find solutions to problems you give it, however, if your mindset is negative then all you’re going to get are negative responses as to why something won’t work and how you’re not good enough.
The first step to fixing a negative mindset is acknowledging that it exists and then making the decision to change it.
If you want to think more positively then you need to start feeding your brain positive thoughts and eventually, those will become its default setting.
It’s a lot like breaking a bad habit, at first, it feels impossible but the more you do it the easier it becomes.
You must be willing to change your limited mindset to a growth mindset.
Turn the phrases “I don’t have…” “I don’t know…” and “I can’t do….” into “How do I learn to…”
Use your built-in supercomputer efficiently.
If you limit it, you will get limited results so ask crazy impossible questions, and listen for the solutions and suggestions your brain starts to offer you.
“Be boring, it’s the only way to get work done.” – Austin Kleon
Step 4: Redirect Your Focus
What You Focus On Expands.
The more attention we give to something, the bigger impact it has on our life. Are you focusing on the good things that happened on your journey or are you focusing on everything that went wrong?
Are you binge-watching Netflix every day instead of completing that simple task that will move you forward?
Or are you actively avoiding what needs to be done by making time for everyone but yourself?
What are the unnecessary things you’re focusing on that are robbing you of your time and attention?
The key is to focus on the things that will help you achieve your dreams and let go of everything else.
You can’t keep doing the same things while expecting different results, that’s literally the definition of insanity according to Albert Einstein.
You have the ultimate power to change your outcome.
Your thoughts are like fresh wood feeding a fire: the more you give it, the bigger it grows. The better the type of wood, the longer the fire lasts. Allow yourself to let go of the negative thoughts quickly so they can fade into ash.
Step 5: Don’t Overwhelm Yourself
It’s natural to want to achieve your goals overnight, especially in today’s society where success is portrayed as an overnight thing.
Don’t believe the hype.
It takes a lot of time and dedication to achieve your goals.
Did you know that it took the artist Michelangelo over two years of constant work to carve the statue of David?
Or how about the fact it took J.K Rowling seven years to develop, write and publish the first Harry Potter book?
The truth is, time and dedication are the keys to success.
A giant leap starts with a baby step and one small step every day brings you closer to changing your life.
How To Get Started
So how do you get started on changing your life today?
By starting small.
You can’t achieve your dreams if you don’t start somewhere and trying to cram as many things in your already hectic day will only discourage you from taking any actions at all.
The best way to start is by figuring out what direction you want your life to go in and taking it one step at a time.
Remember, baby steps become giant leaps.
So start, set your pace, and slow down when you need to.
You hold all the power to change your life so start doing something about it.
Jody is an artist and storyteller dedicated to helping you slow down, embrace rest, and live life intentionally. Through her art, travels, and lifestyle explorations, she inspires others to discover the beauty of slowing down and reconnecting with themselves. Whether she’s documenting hidden gems, sharing creative outlets, or exploring the art of rest, Jody’s content serves as a guide to finding balance in a fast-paced world.