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Read This Good Morning Motivational Message Every Day

Navigating This Space - good morning motivational message

I’ve been receiving a good, morning motivational message every morning for the past month. I use the word “receiving” because every time I read it, I take away a different message; a new part is highlighted and resonates with me for that particular day.


I have noticed how simply reading these words has changed my perspective and understanding of things.


I strongly believe that if you incorporate this reading into your morning routine, you’ll start the day off with a positive high note.


A good morning motivational message for your morning routine


Adapted from A Leader’s Prayer for Success by Dr. Cindy Trimm


Dear universe, ancestors, and spiritual guides,

I rise today in total dependency upon you

Declaring the cancellation of all evil decrees

Over my year, over my life, my family, my business, my possessions, my projects, my purpose, my neighborhood, my loved ones, my relationships, my community, my government, and over my nation.

Let every evil decree be replaced by your original plan and purpose for my life.


I arise today to take my rightful place in this world

Shield me against persecution, false accusation, seduction, compromise, falsehoods, slander, greed, discouragements, frustrations, sabotage, accidents, death threats, mishaps, and manipulations.


I decree that this year is filled with strategic encounters

This year is pregnant with purpose, promise, potential, wonderful surprises, supernatural breakthroughs, and miracles.


The best of my today will become the worst of my tomorrows

And every day shall be sweeter and sweeter than the day before


I decree and declare this moment is my defining moment

Marking the ending of a sad history

And the beginning of a prosperous, debt-free, disease-free, and depression-free destiny.


I declare that I will forever live under an open heaven

I thank you for granting me strategies for a prosperous and successful living.


Fill my mind with wisdom and knowledge of my true identity


I decree that I am empowered to accomplish all that I was born to do

And become all that I was born to be

That my mission be clear and my vision is unobstructed

That my intentions are pure, my motivations are solid, and my relationships are healthy.


I will make my mark and leave a legacy for the next generation

I will live in a prosperous and healthy environment

Everything I touch will turn to prophetic gold


My life, my family, and my friends will be blessed with joy, peace, prosperity, success, and all good things as abundantly as the stars at night.


Friendship, favor, affluence, influence, happiness, support, beauty, purpose, and abundant living are my constant companions.

I am unconditionally loved, celebrated, revered, appreciated, and honored beyond all measures of human comprehension.


Grant me true, lasting, mutually-beneficial relationships, friendships, associations, alliances, networks, partnerships, and support.


This is the year of innovation for me.

My creations, inventions, products, goods, and services, will be in high demand globally

I ask that I will be firmly placed at a comparative advantage and given a competitive edge. I will be distinguished amongst the greats, the influential, and the powerful.

My good name precedes me and all my goals are achieved.


Grant me wisdom for successful negotiation skills and power to subdue negative energies.


All that is owed to me

May it be released to me now


My blessings, wealth, and victories are like the stars, too numerous to count.


Let lack, struggle, and poor health be a distant memory of the past


I will be fruitful in all of my endeavors

Grant me multiple streams of income

Let me navigate these streams with a positive energy that gives me business savvy.


Let economic and financial times turn in my favor

Let me be an agent of light and truth in the world of darkness

Let me be the change I want to see

That no one will meet me and not be positively impacted

Let my gifts continue to flourish.


This is the beginning of the best of my days.


I am not an incident nor an accident

My destiny is determined by my decision


There is no such thing as a coincidence

There is a direct correlation between the decisions I make today and the reality I will experience tomorrow

Therefore I choose to make every decision with love.


I will not allow the action of others to instigate or justify bitterness, hatred, resentment retaliatory action, or negative reaction within me


I choose love

I choose to live without the need for revenge and to live free from regrets.


I choose to love myself unconditionally and from this place love others

I refuse to see anyone as anything less than human beings


I choose to move beyond the hurts and the disappointments of my past and to give myself permission to lovingly embrace all that I am.


I choose to put my best foot forward and squeeze every second out of every hour.


Instead of clenching my fist at a new assignment or responsibility, I will face them with joy and courage knowing that they are opportunities divinely given to me to maximize my potential.


I invite you to be a part of every decision and situation.


I refuse to be cynical or depressed

Upset or distracted by obstacles

For they serve me no purpose 


You are the embodiment of the impossible

And with you all things are possible


I choose peace

I choose to live in the realm of forgiveness so I may live without torment.


I am thinking of all things that are positive, just, pure, lovely, good, and praiseworthy.

Although today I will have every opportunity to think otherwise

If I find myself in a negative place, please remind me to think of all positive things.


I choose patience, I have a fearless spirit, the power of love, and soundness of mind

Therefore I will not be anxious for anything but I will patiently wait

I will overlook the inconveniences of this world

And instead of being deceived into believing someone wants to take my place

I will not be seduced into believing that that place can be taken


I have no need to curse those who attempt to undermine my purpose

Instead, I perceive them as individuals who desire to do more and to be more even as I desire the same

But they may lack the knowledge to understand how to get what they want without fighting

So I ask that they may find it.


When I ask for answers, breakthroughs, and opportunities for divine intervention

Rather than complain that the wait is too long

Let me use those precious moments as opportunities to prepare for my future

To hone my skills or to help someone else to do the same


I will not be anxious


I choose to be kind to the poor, the orphans, those who mistreat others, and those who others perceive as mean for they believe that they are alone.


I will give to those who can never repay

I will go without before taking a dishonest gain

I will be overlooked before I boast

I will confess before I accuse


I will keep my promises

My debtors will not regret their trust

My associates will not question my word

My family will not question my love

My protégés will never fear that their mentor will not be there for them when they need it most


I choose gentleness

Since nothing is won by force I choose to be gentle

If I raise my voice may it only be in praise

If I clench my fist may it only be to grab a handful of blessing to bestow upon others


I choose humility and meekness

I recognize that all my blessings, my opportunities, my success, and prosperity come from you.

So with all humbleness, I say thank you


Thank you for entrusting me with these gifts

With my personality

And with endless opportunities

Thank you for entrusting me with everything.


I’m a spiritual being living in a natural body

Let me not overindulge in any act or substance that will dishonor or desecrate this temple

Let me be drunk only with joy and peace and righteous living

Let me influence others to live a better life.


I choose not to employ the tools of second-guessing, laziness, and procrastination

I choose to approach every day with deliberation

And act based on vision, goals, and my personal dream for making this world a better place.

I choose to live a life that is dynamic.


I refuse to use alibis

I am the one that makes the decisions and I refuse to use others as an escape for my personal responsibility

I thank you because I’m choosing this day to rely less on others and more on myself and you.


I choose to be patient with everyone

I choose to live by the fruit of the spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


I choose blessings

I choose life

I choose abundance

I choose success


When I succeed I will always give thanks

And if I fail, remind me that there is always an alternative strategy


And when the day is done and I lay my head to rest

I will awaken to another day with more opportunities to take my life out of neutral and live the life of my dreams.


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Jody is an artist and storyteller dedicated to helping you slow down, embrace rest, and live life intentionally. Through her art, travels, and lifestyle explorations, she inspires others to discover the beauty of slowing down and reconnecting with themselves. Whether she’s documenting hidden gems, sharing creative outlets, or exploring the art of rest, Jody’s content serves as a guide to finding balance in a fast-paced world.

6 thoughts on “Read This Good Morning Motivational Message Every Day”

  1. This was very inspiring. I love reading your blog. You are such a powerful writer.thank you for sharing this morning motivation.

    1. Jody

      Thank you so much Rosita, thank you for taking the time out to read, I truly appreciate you and I can’t thank you enough. This morning motivation has got me through some rough days so I’m happy you enjoyed it.

    1. Jody

      You’re welcome Samantha, I’m happy you enjoyed it.

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