A friend of mine recently asked her very successful father, “How do you become successful?” His reply was so simple it felt almost too good to be true.
I’ll paraphrase his response: To be successful in whatever you choose, you have to stick with it and be consistent.
It was that simple!
That made me think about how often the word consistency gets thrown around on the internet
- If you want to grow on social media, you must post consistently.
- To live a healthy lifestyle, you must eat well and exercise consistently.
But what does that really mean?
Let’s dive in.
- What Does It Mean to Be Consistent?
- Why Is Consistency Important?
- Why Is Consistency Hard?
- How Can You Be Consistent?
- The Power of Staying the Course
- Take Action Today
- Questions You May Have

What Does It Mean to Be Consistent?
To understand why consistency is important, we need to have a better understanding of what it actually is.
From the countless people I’ve spoken to over the years, the general understanding of consistency is the ability to do something regularly with no days off.
Unfortunately, that’s a dangerous mindset to have because it leads to massive burnout.
Consistency doesn’t mean showing up all of the time with an energy level that’s at 100% every–single–time.
That’s not realistic or sustainable, and you’ll find yourself wanting to quit more than you want to continue.
True consistency is about showing up and taking steps toward your goal as often as you physically and mentally can.
That means if your energy level is at 10% today and you desperately want to complete a task, give that task 5%—because that’s what it means to give your all without overextending yourself. Use the remaining 5% to take care of yourself, read a book, take a bath or sleep.
The 5% you dedicate to showing up doesn’t mean fully completing a task.
It could look like making a short list of the things you want to do when you have the energy to do them.
Every little step toward your goals, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.

Why Is Consistency Important?
Consistency builds momentum, which builds confidence, which allows you to achieve your goals.
Finding success in whatever you desire comes from being so diligent and hard-headed that you figure out exactly what the next level is and all the specific things you need to do to elevate to that level.
Consistency, described another way, is determination without fear of the inevitable roadblocks.
Everything you’ve achieved in life is the end product of you being consistent.

Why Is Consistency Hard?
As a society, we’ve come to glorify achieving goals at lightning speed.
We’ve been brainwashed into thinking that if something takes longer than a few weeks to achieve, it’s either not working or even worth pursuing. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Going from a beginner to mid-level is the hardest journey you’ll ever undertake.
As a beginner, all the self-doubt and imposter syndrome scream very loudly at you, and you might fall victim to their lies if your purpose isn’t strong enough for the goal you’re shooting for.
Don’t believe me?
Think about the last project you enthusiastically took on, only to give up a few weeks later because it seemed too hard to figure out and you didn’t have the time to try. Remember now? (Don’t worry, I won’t judge you, so don’t do it to yourself.)
Here’s the thing—the key difference between someone who listens to the lies of self-doubt and imposter syndrome and allows them to stop progress and someone who actually achieved their goal is this: the ability to keep going.
Starting again after stopping is even harder to do because you’ve lost momentum and will basically have to start all over again.
Think of it like this: you’re out for a jog, and you finally find a good pace—your body feels synced, your breathing is timed with your feet hitting the pavement, and you’re in the zone. Then something unexpected happens, and you stop, breaking that momentum. Suddenly, your legs feel weird from the abrupt change, and when you start again, it feels insanely hard to get back into rhythm.
Now, if you had just slowed down to a pace slightly above walking instead of stopping completely, you’d still be making progress.
That’s why consistency seems hard—because you keep starting and stopping and starting and stopping without realizing you’re making things harder for yourself.
Slow down when things get hectic, but never completely stop to the point where years fly by without you taking a step forward.
You might argue that it’s not that simple. I hear you. But please understand this:
If it was simple, you wouldn’t be pursuing it so diligently. And you can always dedicate time to your goal—even if it’s just two minutes a week. Every second counts.

How Can You Be Consistent?
You have to figure out what you actually need to do to achieve your goal.
Doing random tasks that don’t push you forward is just being busy to stay busy. That doesn’t lead to progress or growth—it’s just a waste of time.
Understanding your route will help you plan effectively. That way, on low-energy days, you’ll know which small tasks can still easily push the needle forward.
Here’s how to stay consistent in a way that actually works:
Creating a clear plan with actionable steps is the first essential step toward achieving your goal.
Start small and build gradually.
Give yourself plenty of breaks so your mind can solve the problems you will inevitably face. Remember that working consistently doesn’t mean tirelessly working every single day—you’re not a robot, so don’t try to operate like one, or you will end up hating life with a passion.
You deserve better than that, so don’t do that to yourself.
Create a routine that works for you and find ways to track your progress, whether it’s through a journal, a planner, or an accountability partner.
When you visually see how far you’ve progressed, it will only add fuel to your fire to keep pushing forward.
Most importantly, remember why you started your goal-achieving journey in the first place and use that as motivation to keep going.
So in short:
- Start with a detailed plan (Don’t get caught up too much, you’ll learn and adjust as you go)
- Take small steps (Baby steps count and are very fulfilling!)
- Understand and plan for roadblocks and low-energy days. (Work with your energy level)
- Find ways to track your progress. (Checking off boxes creates a sense of achievement)
- Remember why you started. (Your purpose is the only thing that will keep you going.)
Suggested Read: 7 Reasons You’re NOT Achieving Goals

The Power of Staying the Course
Every success story has one thing in common—consistency.
However, consistency looks different for everyone depending on their goals, lifestyle, environment, and circumstances.
It could mean
- waking up an hour earlier, or going to bed an hour later to maximize the quiet times,
- doing the bare minimum because that’s all your brain and body can handle, or
- taking a mental health break to realign and adjust your entire being to the new changes you’re working towards.
Your journey will look different from everyone else’s.
Don’t beat yourself up if your progress doesn’t make sense to you right now. It will make sense when you reflect years down the road.
Whatever consistency looks like for you, don’t stop moving toward your goal—even if it takes 10+ years.

Take Action Today
Your dreams and goals are worth every ounce of effort you put into them.
If you only have 1% of effort to give today, that 1% will make a huge difference a year from now.
Stop waiting for the perfect moment—it doesn’t exist. Start now.
Write the first plan. Take the first step. You’ll never regret starting; you’ll only wish you started earlier.
It’s okay if you don’t fully believe you can achieve your goal yet. That belief strengthens with time, especially when you see the results of your unwavering dedication.
Develop an inability to give up—that’s the only way to start and maintain consistency.
So, what does consistency look like for you? Share in the comments below!
One last thing before you go—if you want access to more insights and behind-the-scenes moments from my vlog (Pieces of Jody), sign up for my newsletter. It’s the only place where I share personal stories, motivational tips, and exclusive content I don’t share anywhere else.
Questions You May Have
What if I don’t know what my goal is yet?
Start by setting aside some time to reflect on what you truly want in life. Write down your passions, interests, and values. This will lead you toward discovering a goal that aligns with who you are and what you want to achieve. If your list is short, try more things! You can always walk away if you don’t like it.
How do I stay consistent when things get tough or I face setbacks?
Remind yourself of your purpose and why you started working toward your goal in the first place. Reevaluate your plan if necessary and readjust, readjust, readjust! Having a plan that blends perfectly with your lifestyle will keep you consistent. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help—you cannot do everything on your own.
What if I fail or give up on my goal?
Failure doesn’t exist—it’s a lesson, a very valuable one, so pay attention to why something didn’t work out. It’s showing you which way to go instead. Setbacks and “failures” are the greatest teachers, so start listening.
What if I don’t have anyone to hold me accountable?
Be your own accountability buddy! I understand that having someone’s help along the way will keep you on track, but if you cannot always rely on other people to keep you moving forward– that makes you a leech. It’s your goal and your life, so it is your duty and responsibility to research and find the best ways that will keep you checking off the progress boxes.
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