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Salt Water Flush Not Working? Here’s Why

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If you’re experiencing difficulty with a salt water flush not working, then this blog post is for you.

We’ll discuss 5 reasons why your flush isn’t working and what to do about it.

But, before we get into the whys, let’s explore what a salt water flush is so you can determine if you want to try it.

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What Is A Saltwater Flush?

5 reasons why your salt water flush is not working

A salt water flush is a quick and effective short-term detox method. It cleanses your colon and treats chronic constipation.

It was first introduced as part of a Master Cleanse detox and fasting program. A 10 – 40 day cleanse that uses laxative teas, cayenne lemonade, and saltwater flushes.

Studies have shown that a mixture of non-iodized salt, like sea salt and Himalayan sea salt, warm water, and Shankh prakshalana yoga poses are effective in clearing your colon.

You don’t need to do the full master cleanse detox in order to do the salt water flush. I have done salt water flushes without partaking in the master cleanse detox and it worked just fine without it.

I must admit, I am curious to try the master cleanse but with a few healthy tweaks.

Relying on only maple syrup as a caloric source sounds a bit drastic and unhealthy to me.

Who Should Consider A Saltwater Flush?

You should only do a saltwater flush if;

  • you’re chronically constipated
  • you’re experiencing irregular bowel movements
  • you’re bloated and feel like a stuffed pumpkin even when you didn’t eat a lot
  • you’re experiencing digestive issues

It may not be a permanent solution but it will help you to feel more comfortable by getting rid of the waste that’s backed up in your colon.

If you desire to take part in a salt water cleanse, talk to your doctor to determine if it’s a safe option for you.

The information on this blog post is only for educational purposes.

Precautions To Take Before Taking A Saltwater Flush

  • Don’t make early plans. The flush can last anywhere between two to four hours so plan accordingly.
  • Don’t venture too far from a toilet.
  • Use wet flushable wipes to avoid soreness from using regular toilet paper
  • Prepare for your cleanse by drinking a lot of water.
  • Get a good night’s sleep before the flush. Having low energy will make it harder to finish, so this would be the last thing you need.
  • Drink lots of water during and after the saltwater cleanse for better a bowel movement.

Do Salt Water Flushes Work?

Yes, saltwater cleanses do cleanse your colon temporarily. It helps to clean out your system from toxins in your digestive tract.

Saltwater flushes are not meant as a treatment or cure, only as an occasional way to remove built-up waste in your colon.

They are not meant to be used as a regular form of elimination. If they do make you feel better then that’s great!

However, it is still recommended to drink plenty of fluids on a daily basis for hydration purposes.

How does it work?

The sea salt breaks down the fecal matter in your colon and the fluid helps flush it out. It’s that simple.

Saltwater cleanse is one of the easiest ways to cleanse your colon quickly at home.

Saltwater does not contain any chemicals which might make the digestive tract more sensitive.

Should I Use Sea Salt Or Iodized Salt?

It’s imperative that you use either Himalayan salt or sea salt.

Iodized salt can cause adverse effects such as heart palpitations and mental confusion.

You should not use regular table salt for your cleanse because it’s highly processed, contains anti-caking agents, additives like calcium silicate which are used to prevent clumping of the crystals.

The potassium iodide in sea salt helps the body produce hormones and regulate the thyroid gland.

It is also a powerful antioxidant, which can help ward off diseases such as cancer.

Sea salt has more than 80 minerals that are needed for optimum health.

Because table salt contains a higher concentration of sodium which can be hard on your kidneys, it should be avoided at all costs.

Pink Himalayan sea salt is the best type to use because it’s pure and does not contain any chemicals or additives that are harmful to you.

Do you know why your salt water flush isn't working?

What Happens If I Drink Too Much Saltwater?

If you drink too much salt water it can lead to dehydration.

It also produces a laxative effect, which is why it’s recommended that you drink plenty of water during the cleanse.

The salt flush can produce stomach cramps and diarrhea if too much salt is drunk in one sitting, so be careful not to overdo it!

Drink way more water throughout the day to balance the amount of saltwater consumed.

How Long Does It Take For Saltwater Flush To Work?

The time frame for the flush to work depends on how often and how much water you drink during and after the cleanse.

It can take anywhere from thirty minutes to a few hours to start working.

Once again this is based on your individual body type – some people might need more saltwater than others.

If you’re not seeing any results it’s important that you move around after you’ve consumed your dose of sea salt and water combination to help physically flush your system.

Can A Saltwater Flush Help You Lose Weight?

If losing weight is one of your goals then the answer is no.

Saltwater flushes are a very good way to detox from heavy metals, chemicals, and other substances that we ingest on a daily basis.

If weight loss is one of your health goals in general, it’s important for you to find a more lifestyle-based solution like starting an exercise routine or eating more organic and plant-based foods.

Doing A Salt Water Flush After Eating

Doing a salt water flush after eating

Even though it’s recommended that you do a salt water flush first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, it doesn’t matter what time of day you actually do the flush.

The only requirement is that it must be done on an empty stomach.

If you want to do the flush after you’ve eaten, you must wait a few hours until your stomach has fully digested its food.

Drinking a quart of lukewarm water on a full stomach will add unnecessary discomfort.

You run a risk of your flush not working which will certainly result in zero bowel movement if you try to take it on a full stomach.

Doing the cleanse on a full stomach will not give you the results you require and it may increase your sodium intake, which is not good for those with high blood pressure.

If you do decide to do the flush after eating, make sure that you wait at least three hours before doing so.

All that sea salt you just drank needs to be expelled from your body.

Health Risks And Warnings

As with anything related to health, there are risks involved with a salt water flush.

Some health risks and side effects include:

– can cause your stomach to be upset

– may cause dehydration if you don’t drink plenty of fluids after the process.

– may also increase acid reflux in those with sensitive stomachs or ulcers

– some people may experience a headache or dizziness

– if you have a weak bladder, the high-salt content could lead to an increased risk of urinary tract infections

– may cause some people to experience intestinal irritation from the salt. (This is more common in those who don’t typically consume sea salt on a regular basis and are prone to an upset stomach or diarrhea after eating too much table salt)

– may cause dehydration

– can be a risk for those with ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The salt water flush is not recommended if you have:

– low blood pressure, cardiac issues, high blood pressure, severe diabetes, and kidney problems.

It should also be avoided at all costs by women who are pregnant.

Now that we’ve gone over the preliminaries here’s how to do the flush effectively…

How To Do A Salt Water Flush

Here’s what you’ll need:

Non-ionized salt (Himalayan or Sea Salt)

Spring or purified water

Organic Lemons (Optional)


2 tsp of non-iodized salt

8 cups of lukewarm water

2 tbsp of fresh lemon juice (optional but makes a huge difference taste-wise.)


Dissolve the two teaspoons of non-iodized salt in one quart (4 cups) of lukewarm water.

Add lemon juice to improve taste, rehydrate, and add vitamin C.

Drink mixture as fast as possible within five minutes.

Lay on your right side for 30 minutes to allow the salt water mixture to penetrate the lower intestines.

After 30 minutes you should start to feel some movements in your body. Start to walk around or do the Shankh prakshalana poses to keep your body moving. Try not to lay in one place after the initial 30 minutes, the mixture works best when you’re moving.


Drink the remaining 4 cups of water within the next 30 minutes.

When only clear water is being expelled from your system, this indicates that your flush is complete. You’re free to start eating. I recommend starting with raw fruits and vegetables.

5 Reasons Your Salt Water Flush Is Not Working

As effective as the salt water flush is, it can easily not work if you don’t follow the instructions correctly. Here are some reasons why your saltwater flush could not be working:

1. The water you drank wasn’t warm enough

The temperature of the saline mixture should not be too cold or too hot, it should have a perfect lukewarm temperature that allows you to drink it swiftly without burning your tongue.

The warmer the better.

2. The right amount of salt wasn’t used

Don’t skimp on the salt.

Using too little will not be effective.

Two teaspoons are all you need for the mixture to work. I’ve used more than two teaspoons by accident once and the results were still satisfactory.

Using too little salt will result in a bloated stomach filled with saltwater that’s not effective enough to vacate the body quickly.

Do not use too much salt either.

Excess salt will lead to excessive bloating and, in turn, make salt water flushes ineffective.

3. You didn’t move around or do the yoga poses

After the thirty minutes rest period, it’s imperative that you move around. This allows the salt water to work through your body.

Please do not stay still when you’re supposed to move around!

This will cause your cleanse to be ineffective and you will not experience any bowel movements.

Yoga poses are also recommended.

They promote better circulation and helps the salt water flush through your body much more quickly than staying still on a bed or chair.

If you don’t move around, the salt water can take hours to work its way through your digestive tract which will cause you to feel discomfort a lot longer.

For example, if you were to sit in a chair or stay still on the bed for 30 minutes, your salt water flush would take around an hour and fifteen minutes to work through your digestive tract instead of the thirty-minute allotted time period.


4. There wasn’t enough freshwater intake.

To ensure that you get an effective salt water flush, make sure you give your body enough fresh water to balance out the salt.

After your initial intake of salt water and freshwater, you need to keep drinking more water throughout the flush.

Every time you go to the bathroom and experience a bowel movement, drink one cup of fresh water.

5. Your colon needs more work to become unblocked

Some people have a more complicated colon system than others. A salt water flush might not be as effective with people who suffer from colon issues as it would with a person who has no issues.

This is why it’s important that you check with your primary physician before you try a salt water flush. It is not for everyone.

Whether you’re doing a quick flush to get your body to feel like yours again or you’re taking part in a master cleanse, don’t forget to listen to your body. If something feels off, chances are, it’s probably off.

You will feel uncomfortable and go to the bathroom a lot during the cleanse but, once it’s complete, you’ll feel better.

Sometimes our bodies need a little extra help and doing a salt water flush might be the boost it needs.

Let me know in the comment section if these methods helped to solve your salt flush problem.


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Jody is an artist and storyteller dedicated to helping you slow down, embrace rest, and live life intentionally. Through her art, travels, and lifestyle explorations, she inspires others to discover the beauty of slowing down and reconnecting with themselves. Whether she’s documenting hidden gems, sharing creative outlets, or exploring the art of rest, Jody’s content serves as a guide to finding balance in a fast-paced world.

1 thought on “Salt Water Flush Not Working? Here’s Why”

  1. I did the flush (didn’t move as much as i should have perhaps but my discomfort is real). The after effect has been still bloated. Cant be constipated with the water thats coming out though so i am confused as to what is going on. Should i repeat? Wait? I am drinking water at a normal pace. Its just very uncomfortable. This was onset from dehydration and perhaps using too much fiber which caused an internal storm. Seeking insight.

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