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Feeling Like a Fraud? 5 Reasons Why It’s Actually a Good Thing

It’s time you understood that feeling like a fraud is a great thing.

It’s okay if you’re wondering if I’ve lost my mind—but you’re reading this article for a reason, and everything I’ll share with you will probably change how you think about imposter syndrome.

Before we start, know you’re not alone when you feel this way. 

In fact, a lot of overachievers, creatives, and entrepreneurs feel like imposters regularly. But instead of giving in to those intrusive thoughts, they keep forging forward.

Before we get into the five reasons, let me break down what imposter syndrome actually is, so you understand exactly what you’re dealing with.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

According to an article published by Psychology Today,

“People who struggle with imposter syndrome believe that they are undeserving of their achievements and the high esteem in which they are, in fact, generally held. They feel that they aren’t as competent or intelligent as others might think—and that soon enough, people will discover the truth about them.

Simply put, people who feel like a fraud think every achievement they’ve ever accomplished is due to sheer luck or that they’ve somehow fooled everyone around them into believing they know exactly what they’re doing.

Here’s the tough part: it’s YOU who’s doubting your abilities!

Everyone else sees you as the expert you are—except you.

Imposter syndrome is like having a fistfight with yourself.

On one side, there’s the confident you, who knows exactly what to do next. On the other side is the doubtful you, who thinks you know nothing of value and is set to stop your confident self no matter what it takes. And the fight goes on and on.

Here’s the thing: one of you will win eventually. Which one? That’s completely up to you.

Now that you understand that overcoming imposter syndrome and thriving is a battle with self-doubt, which is basically negative self-talk, here are five reasons why imposter syndrome is actually a great thing.

1. You’re Doing Something Other Than the Norm

The moment you decided to follow your own path and do things on your terms was the moment you stepped into another category, the extraordinary category.

You chose to do something that a lot of people will never do because they’re not as brave as you are to venture into the unknown without added security.

People fear the lack of security in life, so they choose the “normal” path, the one that guarantees a pension and comfort.

But you know better—you know security doesn’t really exist.

That job promising a lifetime of stability could disappear tomorrow, leaving you worse off than before.

You understand this wholeheartedly so you choose to trust yourself and forge your own path to success.

That’s something to be proud of.

Not everyone has the courage to chase their dreams. You should celebrate your bravery, not doubt every move you make.

But that negative voice in your head will always try to make you question yourself in the most subtle way possible.

It’s job is to make you think:

  • I’m not good enough
  • I don’t know enough
  • I’m just guessing

The best way to fight those thoughts? Remind yourself of:

  • What you’ve achieved
  • How far you’ve come
  • The unique answers only you can provide
  • Everything you’re actively learning to be better

2. You’re on a Path You Were Told Is Not for You

Many of us grew up believing that there were only a few professions worth pursuing.

As a Jamaican who grew up on the island of Jamaica, the only choices for me were becoming a doctor or a lawyer. Nothing else.

As the years went by and it became obvious that I wasn’t interested in any of those professions, I started hearing subtle encouragement to enter the medical field as a nurse.

The bribes became compliments: “You’d make such a cute nurse!” I would constantly hear.

My eye rolls were well deserved because, in those moments, I’m sure they weren’t even aware of the agenda they were pushing on my life.

To them, I had to be something they could wrap their heads around. I had to fit into the little box they created for me. I wasn’t allowed to be anything more than what they prescribed.

You may have had a similar experience. And because you chose to live a life you’ll be happy with, instead of one everyone else wants you to live, the self-doubt gets a little louder.

Constant reminders that there’s an easier path—a prescribed, boring, uncomplicated path for you to follow—can make you feel like you’re wasting your time.

I mean, who are you to go against the norm, right?

But here’s the truth: if everyone stuck to what was “acceptable” or “normal,” we wouldn’t have half the advancements and innovations we have today.

Remember this: not everyone wants to see you do better than them.

They may want the best for you, but when your path starts working and you thrive, some people may envy you because you were braver than they are. And they take it personally.

But that’s not your problem, so pay them no attention. Use their envy as fuel to keep going and become even more successful.

3. You’re Actively Overcoming Self-doubt

Doubting yourself and your abilities was useful at one point because it pushed you to actively learn what you were lacking.

That voice in your head helped you become better, but continuing to listen to it—especially after you’ve proven it wrong a million times—is a sign you’re not giving yourself enough credit.

That voice served a purpose: to help you become a better version of yourself, to become more credible, to become one of the top go to people in your field.

But when that voice starts to make you feel like you know nothing, it’s time for it to be quiet.

So, how do you shut it up?

Have you ever noticed that when you’re about to finish a project, or complete the final step in something important, things start going wrong?

Things break, unexpected obstacles pop up, and everything feels like it’s falling apart.

That’s self-doubt trying to stop you from proving it wrong.

It knows you’re about to succeed, and it’s throwing everything at you to make you question yourself.

It’s like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Once it realizes no one’s paying attention, it stops.

The best way to silence self-doubt is through action. Move on to the next step, despite the doubts and insecurities.

Show that negative voice who’s really running the show by believing that even if you fail, you’ll still be in a better position than if you hadn’t tried.

Failure isn’t the end, it just means that particular route didn’t work for you, so it’s time to try another way.

4. You’re Experiencing Rapid Growth and Success

Dedicating yourself to achieving your goals, and pushing past all the roadblocks, both mental and physical, will result in a lot of wins.

When those wins start happening more frequently, it’s natural to freak out and feel overwhelmed.

Unfortunately, that’s when self-doubt will rear its ugly little head to try to bring you down by convincing you that you don’t deserve any of it.

Understand this one thing – YOU DESERVE IT ALL!

You’ve put in the time, effort, and dedication to reach this point. You’ve faced your doubts head-on and refused to let them hold you back. You’ve taken risks and believed in yourself, even when others didn’t.

You’ve constantly proven that you’re worthy of the attention and praise you’re getting.

So, accept it!

When imposter syndrome shows up—and no doubt, it certainly will—it’s because you’re ready to unlock the next level of your journey.

You’re way past being a novice. You’re an expert with a wealth of knowledge, experience, and insight to share with others.

Use your journey and everything you’ve learned to inspire and motivate those just starting out.

You understand fully that success isn’t a destination. It’s a never-ending journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. But as long as you keep moving forward, one step at a time, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

Speak about the doubts you’ve faced, because everyone who only sees your success will never understand what you’ve had to overcome to get here unless you tell them.

Your journey is an inspiration, so keep reminding yourself how amazing you are.

You will continue to grow, and that imposter feeling will always be there, reminding you that there’s always another level to unlock—if you choose.

5. You’re Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Everyone’s goal in life is to be comfortable, but growth happens when you’re uncomfortable.

Having the courage to step outside your comfort zone and take on a life-changing challenge takes strength and bravery.

Just to clarify, any goal you go after requires you to step outside your comfort zone, no matter how small. You will never be the same person you were before you started your journey.

Don’t let that scare you. Being the same person forever is impossible because you’re constantly changing, whether you realize it or not.

This change is also when imposter syndrome tries to sneak in and talk you out of it.

But here’s the thing: when you take on something new and challenging, you’re expanding your skills, knowledge, and abilities.

You’re proving to yourself that you’re capable of conquering anything that comes your way.

When you use the fuel imposter syndrome tries to pour on you to push yourself even harder, you’re changing the meaning of the insult to something positive.

Instead of being a nagging voice trying to hold you back, imposter syndrome becomes the driving force behind your success. It’s a reminder that you are forging your own unique path.

You’ll never feel like an imposter if you choose to stay in your comfort zone and let life pass you by.

The Art of Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Feeling like a fraud is a common experience when you’re a high achiever, and when you’re on a journey of growth and self-discovery.

The art of overcoming imposter syndrome is recognizing it for what it really is—a sign that no one else is heading in your unique direction.

Your path is unique to you, if it looked exactly like someone else’s path then it wouldn’t be yours.

Whether you walk, stumble, crawl or drag yourself very slowly on your path, it’s all you unique way to getting to your goal. It’s what makes you, you.

Never let that voice stop you from reaching your full potential because in reality, YOU ARE NOT AN IMPOSTER, You are simply being UNIQUELY YOU.

You have earned every bit of success and growth through smart work, dedication, and perseverance.

So keep pushing forward, keep expanding your comfort zone, keep using that fraud feeling as fuel to keep you going.

Remember, every great entrepreneur, creative or extraordinary person has faced these feelings at some point.

It’s a sign that you’re on the right track.

I’d love to hear your experiences—how do you deal with those moments of self-doubt?

Drop a comment below or share your story with me directly. Your insights might just help someone else!

And if you enjoyed this article, be sure to join my newsletter for more personal reflections, tips, and encouragement.

Questions You May Have

What is the root cause of imposter syndrome?

Doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud is often rooted in fear of failure, perfectionism, and comparison to others. It can also be linked to childhood experiences or societal pressures.

Why do entrepreneurs and creatives experience imposter syndrome more frequently?

Entrepreneurs and creatives often pursue unconventional paths, face high expectations, and encounter out-of-the-ordinary challenges. These factors contribute to feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy, making imposter syndrome more of a personal assistant than an annoying guest.

Can you overcome imposter syndrome?

Yes. Overcoming imposter syndrome simply means working with the feelings and doubts it makes you aware of. When you actively address those doubts, you can push past them and continue on your journey with confidence and clarity.

Can imposter syndrome be a positive experience?

Absolutely. Imposter syndrome can signal that you’re stepping outside your comfort zone, achieving significant milestones, and actively confronting self-doubt. In truth, it’s a positive experience disguised as a negative one.

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Jody is a creative writer, artist, graphic designer, and a digital nomad who also helps people live more fulfilling lives by finding creative solutions to their personal growth and development problems and lifestyle challenges.

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