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I Have Learned A Lot This Year. What Have You Learned?

Navigating This Space -I have learned a lot

I have learned a lot these past two months. I’ve put myself through some challenges that I never thought I’d be able to complete, but I’ve made it to the other side with more knowledge and determination than ever before.


Challenges allow you to push yourself while learning where your limitations are. They also challenge you to stretch your comfort zone and elevate to a new level of consciousness. 


There is no growth without a challenge.


In this article, I’ll share the things that have influenced me the most this past month. I’ll include what I’ve seen, experienced, and learned from it all.


The importance of self-reflection


Reflecting on the things of the past will always assist you when planning for the future. Understanding where you’re coming from and learning the lessons of the past gets you geared up to win any battle in the future. You’re being constantly challenged so being ready for those challenges is how you’ll overcome them with ease. To learn more about why self-reflection is beneficial read this article. 


Things I’ve seen


I’m an avid Netflix watcher! When I’m not writing, making Pinterest pins, or drawing illustrations, I enjoy watching Netflix. It’s become a reward at the end of the day.


My Octopus Teacher

My partner and I watched a documentary called My Octopus Teacher. It was the most unexpected learning experience that I’ve had while watching a documentary. Without giving away any spoilers, the film follows a diver’s journey learning about nature and, most importantly, himself while observing an octopus’s daily life.


It showed me that even an animal that’s so drastically different from humans has something to teach us all about ourselves. We are all nature’s creatures; we’re not separate from it, but one with it. 


I highly recommend you watch it, you might learn and experience something more from it than I did.



Sarah Paulson stars in this new series about the nurse, Mildred Ratched, from the iconic movie, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. The imagery, the set, the wardrobe, the hair, and, of course, the story was all on point. It’s the type of series that pulls you in and doesn’t let you go until it’s done with you. Even then, it leaves you wanting more. 


There’s no limit to how far one will go to protect the ones they love and what they believe in this series hit the nail on the head.


Love is a powerful thing and can bring so much joy and happiness to your life. Living free and being completely yourself opens up new possibilities that you’ve never imagined, so don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back from becoming your true self.


I have learned a lot from all the characters in this series. it’s also entertaining and they constantly drop gems about life in the dialogue that you have to experience to truly understand.


Things I’ve done


90 blog posts in 90 days


I’m in the last stretch of my 90 days blog challenge, (28 days left, woohoo!!). It’s been an awakening experience. I don’t think I’ve ever written this much in my entire life! Yes, I write daily in my journal but that writing doesn’t have to be structured or make sense to anyone but myself.


Some days I find myself writing more than one article. The most I’ve done was three articles in one day and I celebrated with a much-needed nap and a bike ride after to get some fresh air.


The things you can accomplish when you stick with doing exactly what you want will amaze you. 


Determination and discipline work hand in hand when you want to accomplish all your goals and dreams. 


If you have the desire to do something, just do it and stick with it till the wheels fall off because that is the moment you begin to fly.



Navigating This Space -what have I learned about myself


During the month of October, artists of all types take part in a month-long challenge of creating something new every day. This year I decided to take part in this yearly ritual. Even though I didn’t post anything on Instagram or any other social media site about my participation in the challenge, every night I created a new monster. 


I call my creations, my monsters because they’re mostly creatures that manifest on my drawing pad from another realm. At least, that’s what I believe. I allow the pencil to take charge while my hand brings them to life.


Drawing something new every day became a bit of a challenge especially on days when I didn’t know what to draw, so for inspiration, I turned to my dreams and, of course, the internet. 


I stumbled upon this art prompt website, took some of the ideas, and added my flair and personality to the concepts. 


Some ideas were generic but I believe that they serve their purpose which is to make the artist think of ways they would visually bring a concept to life.


Consistency is the key to accomplishing any challenge. Once your determination is there, being consistent becomes second nature. 


What we create becomes uniquely us; we attach a small piece of our personality and energy to everything we come in contact with. Protect your energy, especially when you’ll be sharing yourself with others.


Think Outside the Box


“If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” ― T.S. Eliot


What have I learned about myself?


I don’t need approval from others to do what feels right and comes naturally to me. I share exactly what I want without giving away too much. I value my mystery and it keeps me creating what’s in my head.


I have learned a lot about balancing fun and sacrificing unnecessary things in order to stay on course and accomplish my goal. 


Balance is key.


You have to decide to either stay home and check those boxes off your to-do list, entertain distractions and get nothing done, or plan ahead and incorporate both getting things done and having fun. 


Bake your cake and eat it too.


What have you learned about yourself?


Self-reflection is beneficial for your personal growth and development. Reflect on the things you’ve been seeing, hearing, reading, and experiencing this past month or two.


What have you learned that you are willing to share with everyone you meet? 

What makes you excited to wake up every day and accomplish something new? 

What challenges have you overcome?

What new knowledge makes you proud to keep learning and exploring?


You are the only person holding yourself back and you have the power within you to live the life of your dreams.


Life is always changing and evolving, so it’s imperative that you keep your eyes open and watch what you’re absorbing because that one movie, song, book, or experience could change your life for the better, forever.


Learn the way to live


“Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.” — Hugh Prather



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Jody is an artist and storyteller dedicated to helping you slow down, embrace rest, and live life intentionally. Through her art, travels, and lifestyle explorations, she inspires others to discover the beauty of slowing down and reconnecting with themselves. Whether she’s documenting hidden gems, sharing creative outlets, or exploring the art of rest, Jody’s content serves as a guide to finding balance in a fast-paced world.

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