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The Unexpected Moment of Pure Magic That Defined My Art

For the longest time, I struggled to find the words to describe exactly what I do perfectly. I knew the process, the inspirations, what I created, and why I created it. But whenever anyone would ask me, “So what do you do?” The answer always felt incomplete. Too vague. Too surface-level. The words just never seemed to match the feeling I wanted the person asking to feel.

So, I sat with the question in the back of my mind and went on creating until one day, the words all came tumbling in.

Clarity Comes When You Stop Searching for It

On March 6th, as I sat down to journal at a time I don’t normally write—during the night after the day was done—my mind went back to the question I’d been sitting with: “What do I create, and who is it for?”

I experienced a moment of pure magic. I certainly didn’t expect it, but I was anticipating it because I knew it was only a matter of time before the words showed up.

I heard them in my head, so I grabbed my pen and wrote them down.

When I finished writing, I sat there and reread what I wrote—something I don’t normally do.

There they were, the words that had eluded me since I started creating documentary films about my everyday life and adventures as an artist.

I was in absolute awe.

 As if to test this newfound clarity, I immediately asked ChatGPT the same question: “What do I create, and who is it for?”

This might seem strange to you, so here’s a little backstory. I started using ChatGPT to edit my writings because grammar and I aren’t the best of friends, so it has had firsthand knowledge of most of my writings for quite a few months.

With strict limitations to not change or stylize my words but simply edit for grammar, I’ve been able to publish my words without errors or worry.

I also prompted it to use words I didn’t provide so that it would have to review my input and answer my question.

The words it provided were almost identical to what I wrote in my journal just minutes before.

That stunned me even more!

The Truth About Clarity

I’ve come to learn that when you sit with a problem long enough, you allow your mind to find the solutions for you—without force.

I’ve had plenty of times (too many) when I’ve tried to force things, kicking down doors that wouldn’t open for me. But over time, I’ve learned that when something is right and ready for you, you’ll receive it. The catch? You have to be open.

If you desire it, it will come.

Brainstorming sessions and actively searching did provide more information for my brain to process, but there comes a time when you have to close the book and walk away—not to give up, but to give your brain a break so it can tell you exactly what you need to know when you’re finally ready to listen without impatience.

The key here is listening without impatience.

Your mind, muse, inner knowledge—however you want to name it—does not like to be rushed. Once the pressure is on, it will sometimes shut down.

Think about it: how many times have you had a full schedule and found yourself staring into space, not knowing where to start? Or how many times have your best ideas come while you were in the shower or doing something completely unrelated?

It’s like clarity and ideas choose the worst times to reveal themselves. However, the truth is: the specific time you get inspired is the time you were fully ready to receive the information.

You allowed it to come to you instead of forcing it to bend to your will.

When you create, experiment, and simply live life to its fullest, you stop stressing. And once that blockage is out of the way, ideas and clarity flow.

The Clarity I Found

So, what do I create, and who exactly is it for?

I’ll give you a condensed version of what I wrote and the exact words ChatGPT also provided.

This is the condensed version of what I journaled:

I create inspirational and motivational documentary films that speak to those interested in finally living a life they love—of travel, with a focus on self-care and creativity.

I show how I live through stories of everyday life and adventures, not tutorials.

In short, my films evoke the feeling of calm mixed with unexpected adventures.

I asked ChatGPT this question:
In words that I didn’t provide you, describe in one paragraph what I do and the people I appeal to.

Its reply:
Jody is an artist and storyteller who captures the essence of intentional living through travel, rest, and self-discovery. Her content weaves together real-life experiences, personal reflections, and creative expression, inviting her audience into a world where slowing down is not just a luxury but a necessity. Through her Life Unscripted vlogs, articles, and social media presence, she shares the highs and lows of her journey—whether navigating new landscapes, embracing solitude, or pushing past self-doubt.

Her work resonates with those who crave a more meaningful life but struggle with the fear of stepping outside their comfort zone. Whether it’s travelers seeking authenticity, creatives longing for inspiration, or individuals searching for permission to rest, Jody’s storytelling serves as a reminder that we are all allowed to move at our own pace.

Yes! I’m still in awe of how eloquently it was described. That’s a great description for something that was simply editing my words. Of course, out of curiosity, I asked a follow-up question.

I then asked, “How did you come by this description?”

It responded:

I came by the description by paying close attention to the way you frame your work, the themes you revisit, and the emotions you evoke through your storytelling.

Your content isn’t just about travel or rest—it’s about how those experiences shape personal growth and self-awareness. I also considered your audience: people who need inspiration to live more intentionally but might feel stuck, afraid, or uncertain about taking the leap.

Beyond just describing what you do, I wanted to capture the why—the deeper purpose behind your work.

Your storytelling isn’t just about sharing experiences; it’s about giving people permission to slow down, embrace uncertainty, and find beauty in the random moments of life.

Clarity Can’t Be Forced

Clarity isn’t something you force—it’s something you allow to happen freely.

The first step to finding it is to simply have the desire to know.

If I didn’t have the desire to describe what I do and who it appeals to, the words wouldn’t have come to me, and I wouldn’t have taken it a step further after journaling.

If you’re seeking clarity, desire it and then continue doing what you do. The words will come to you when you’re finally ready to understand and absorb them.

It may show up in your journaling sessions, randomly while you’re showering, or through someone who describes what you do in the exact words you couldn’t form yourself.

The latter happened to me—by my own mother, who had zero clue about the type of films and work I create. I told her absolutely nothing, yet one day when I was confused about some data, she told me exactly why I was appealing to the people who were watching.

That was a jaw-drop moment. It made me realize that the essence of what I wanted to share was indeed being shared.

Has there been a moment in your life where clarity finally hit you? Let me know in the comments below—I’d love to hear about it.

Questions You May Have

How can I stop feeling impatient when waiting for clarity?

Shift your focus from seeking the answer to simply engaging in the process. Trust that the right words, ideas, or direction will come when you’re truly ready to receive them.

Why do breakthroughs happen at random moments?

Your brain needs downtime to process information in the background. When you relax or engage in unrelated activities, it frees up space for new ideas to emerge.

What role does patience play in gaining clarity?

Patience is essential. The more you trust that the right answers will come, the less pressure you put on yourself. That openness allows clarity to arrive naturally.

What if I never feel like I’ve found clarity?

Clarity is an evolving process, not a final destination. As you grow, your understanding of your work will deepen, and your description of it may shift over time.

How do I stay open to receiving clarity?

By staying curious, letting go of rigid expectations, and trusting that the right words or ideas will come at the right time. The less pressure you apply, the more insights can flow.


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Jody is an artist and storyteller dedicated to helping you slow down, embrace rest, and live life intentionally. Through her art, travels, and lifestyle explorations, she inspires others to discover the beauty of slowing down and reconnecting with themselves. Whether she’s documenting hidden gems, sharing creative outlets, or exploring the art of rest, Jody’s content serves as a guide to finding balance in a fast-paced world.

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